Summer Idioms

Where are you going this summer? Whether you are looking to explore warm sandy beaches or take a trip to an exciting cosmopolitan city, this is the perfect opportunity to spend a bit of time learning a new skill like English. We’ve taken a closer look at how English and summer go hand-in-hand by breaking down a few of our favourite summer-inspired idioms. How many of these do you already know and how many are completely new to you? Let’s find out!


Chasing Rainbows


Meaning: People often use this phrase when they are referring to an impossible task. If someone is trying to complete a project that obviously can’t be completed, then they are “chasing rainbows.”


Come rain or shine


Meaning: Determined to fulfil a promise no matter what? Then you would say that you would do it whether it was raining or sunny out. The US Postal service delivers the mail “come rain or shine.”


Fresh as a daisy


Meaning: This is a nice way of describing someone who is filled with energy and feels healthy. If you had a good night sleep, you might wake up feeling “fresh as a daisy.”


Head in the clouds


Meaning: This phrase is used to describe someone who spends all their time daydreaming and has no idea about what is actually going on around them.

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Lead down the garden path


Meaning: This idiom is a bit more sinister, as it refers to the act of deceiving someone. You are leading them somewhere they think is nice, but in reality isn’t because you are lying.


Make hay while the sun shines


Meaning: People use this phrase when they are describing someone who is making the most of the opportunities they are given. If you have some free time, for example, use that opportunity to learn a new skill!


Ray of sunshine


Meaning: This is someone or something that makes you happy. A new baby could be referred to as “a ray of sunshine.”


Test yourself

How many of these idioms do you think you can use correctly in your everyday English? Take our quiz and test your knowledge!



Did any of these idioms surprise you? Have you heard of any others? Let us know in the comments below.

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